Saturday, November 10, 2012

Paint it Again, Sam

So, Cal Ripken I am not.  I didn't post yesterday.  My mom was right – I’m not good at perseverance.  In my defense, I wasn’t just sitting around doing chocolate milk shots…I was crafting creating art until “Shark Tank” started late into the night. 

I was super excited about this art project.  You stick some letters on to a canvas, spelling out a witty, clever, meaningful saying - or something that rhymes, paint over it, then peel off the letters to get a one of a kind, unique piece of art.  It looks great on Pinterest.  But then there’s realiy:
This is where the photograph that
I failed to take before I painted
over the whole thing should be

Basically, It didn’t look quite like I had envisioned.  By this afternoon, it was irritating me. 
So now this is reality:
Maybe I'll slap some stripes on
this puppy and call it done
I’m titling it “Yellow Fever.”    

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