I was at the movies a couple of weeks ago and saw a preview for “Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close,” a film based on the book of the same title. When I saw the title, I immediately thought to myself – that totally describes my family! We’re extremely loud and incredibly close. Or incredibly loud and extremely close, if you want to look at it that way.
Granted we’re extremely loud for a reason – two of us are hearing impaired; one of us doesn’t listen…or is ignoring the rest of us, I’m not sure which; and my mom, well, my mom is just loud. When the four of us are together, the decibel level of most of our conversations usually gets pretty high. There always seems to be a lot of yelling. Sometimes it's good - like at Thanksgiving when we played a new game that involved money. Sometimes it's bad - like at Thanksgiving when we played a new game that involved money. Hey, it's a mixed bag with us.
It doesn't matter how extremely loud we get; at the end of the discussion argument day, we're still incredibly close.
I don't think I'd have it any other way!
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